Thursday, December 11, 2008


There are many things i am gratfull for, my famliy,friends,teachers, the food on my plate and the roof above my head. However i wouldn't have anything i have no if it weren't for my parents, unlike most people i am blessed with three parents who have always been there for me since day one. 

My dad has always been there for me, he can always tell when i am sad or in bad mood and is always the first person to put me in a better mood. Even though he doesn't have as much money as he wants he doesn't need money for me to love him. He is the most perfect dad in the world and i have no idea what i would do without him, i thank god every day to be blessed with the dad of most kids dreams. He is my support system, comedian and most of all my best friend.

My mom has a personality that is hard for most to comprehend, she works 7 days awake and does everything to make my brother and I as happy as possible. She is a women that should be everyones role model. She has traveled all over the world, speaks 7 different laungunges and started her own business just after a year of living and being in america for the first time. She is the reason why i have created such a hopeful future for myself and she reminds my everyday to never give up.

Lastly, i have a Peg. She isn't just a neighbor or a family friend she is a women who has made me who i am today. Day in and out she gives me advice for everything you can think of, she is the reason why i am blessed to go to such an amazing school. She has welcomed to her family with open arms from the begging and is always looking out for my best interest and without her my life would change and nothing would be the same. 

I am a very lucky girl to have such amazing people in my life i have the perfect family who pushes me to strive on. Amazing friends who i trust with my whole heart and great teachers who try their hardest to help me to my best. I couldn't ask for anything more!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Challenge Assignment

The novel and the movie the secret life of bees where alike and different in many ways, but here are just a few. In the movie the Daughters of Mary are in almost every chapter where in the movie they are barley mentioned. Also Towards the ending of the movie there is a moment where you feel bad for T.Ray; lily's dad, where in the book he is automatically known as a "villain" and there is no sympathy given to him. Lastly, in the book you see the growth between august and lily and it is more clear; where in the movie august becoming a mother figure to lily is very sudden. 

Although there are a lot of differences there are plenty of similarities as well. The connection of Rosaleen and Lily is both very strong in the movie and the book, it is very clear how close they are. Next,  I didn't accept june to be as bitter as she was in the book in the movie however she was until almost the end. Lastly, Mays death was equally traumatizing in the movie and the book. I cried and felt the pain her family and her friends where feeling.

I thought the book and the Novel The Secret Life of bees where very enjoyable, however i wished that they included more about her mother in the movie. I thought that it was proably a good idea to leave a lot of the Daughters of Mary out of the book movie because at times it would draw the readers attention away. Overall i would have to say that i liked the book better only because it have you the WHOLE idea of Lily's situation .

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Democratic Party

Honestly i am not informed enough to be thinking about our next president of America. However from what i do know Obama is the better choice. I am not for War, i think the war is unnessary.
I Do not Beilive that we should be killing people of their country, they did not ask for our help all we are doing is killing idocent familys. Now that we are STILL in this war i beilive it is to hard just to walk away from it, and if we do we will get bombed again. I beilive this whole war could of been easily avoided.
The other day my family and i where watching tv when the statement every president we have had has said the same thing, but nothing has happend. Obama has said "we need change" several things, however we haven't heard what he wants to change and how.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Peg Rhinehart<3

i can't thank her enough for raising me to be the girl i am today. There isn't one thing she hasn't done for me. I wouldn't be the same without her. Thick through thin she has always been there for me and i can't thank her enough :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Camille Balihadia<3

Camille isn't my best friend or my sister, she is so much more than that. We have been friends for 15 years, i don't think i could be where i am right now without her. This picture was taken on a road trip we go on with her 2 brothers and my 2 "brothers"(really close family friends) and their mom, peg. We go up the coast of California For about 16 days. We had just gotten In and Out, and of coarse being girls we had to take a picture. This shows that we have fun doing whatever it is, even it it is eating more than we can handle. This shows her fun personality and she honestly doesn't care what about thinks about her, Even if she does look like a chipmunk in this picture :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Secret Life of Bees:Code

1.How accurate were your predictions?

My predictions are very accurate, the context clues from the back and the image of the book made my inferring a lot better. Also, i have read the book before this class :)

2.Which predictions were very accurate? Describe.

My predictions of what the book was going to be about was obviously very accurate, i knew the book was a coming of age story.

3.Which predictions were less accurate? What were the differences between what you predicted and what actually happened?

My memorize was kind of fuzzy towards the end of the novel so i predicted that T.ray would find lily and take her home, however lily gets to stay with august as she raised her as her daughter.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


My cute cat was playing in the green garden when a yellow jacket bee buzzed around her head. Being a curious cat she chased the helpless bee. Pitter Patter, pitter patter as she jumped across the clean cut lawn,The bee Zigged Zagged Trying not to be devowerd by the "witty" kitty.


The crazy cat clawed the bee, i sprited to see the meowing manaic crying in pain. Worried as a wort i made sure she was was alright. Her paw was as puffy as a blow fish. I carried the ingured kitty to my dad who just laughed at her stupidity. If i lost my kitty i dont know what i wouldnt of done she is my baby i love her more than words can explain.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Metaphors, Similes and Clichés!!

Peacefully sleeping like a baby as still as a stone in my luxurious closet my parents thought it would be funny to creep as quietly as a mouse to take a photo of me. When i was six i thought it was normal to sleep on the floor...i guess not. I also thought my crazy Afro curls where normal too.
Pulling on my long brown woven curls urging Camille to hurry up and take the picture. With the Christmas sent surrounding my best friends and i on a 10 day road trip starting in Fallen leaf lake camp ground,Tahoe i didnt know what to wish for. Swimming like a Fish everyday in the lake is a dream come true for me and my mermaid mind. Closing my eyes as tight as a lid i blew as the dandilion seeds danced through air.

Monday, September 1, 2008

my hero

My Hero is Angelie Jolie.

The reason why i find her so heroic is that because she spends a great deal of time on humanitrian efforts and she gives a third to her salary to charites. She is also an active UNHCR(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) goodwill ambassador. Being apart of this and seeing first hand the challenges of the refuges she decided to use her celeberity to help the cause. She has traveled to remote areas visiting refugee camps and receiving centers in places like Tanzania, Namibia, Cambodia, Pakistan, Thailand, and Ecuador. She has been honored with the Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Program Humanitarian Award. She and her husband Brad Pitt has spent there time and money helping to rebuild for the hurricane katrina victims. On top of all of this she is an amazing actress which i hope to be one day. However, some people do not find her as heroic as i do because in her younger years angelie was known for her asorted past with different men. More recently some say she broke up the marrige between Brad Pitt and Jennifer.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

30 things you didnt know about me :)

1. my favorite colors are yellow & purple!
2. i was a cheerleader for la jolla high
3. i can touch my noes to my tounge
4. i hate grape flavored things
5. my mom speaks 7 languages
6. i hate a kitten named lani
7. i broke my pinky tying my shoe
8. i spell everything wrong
9. i love to surf & snowboard
10. my hands are really creepy looking
11. this is my favorite number!!
12.i love kittys
13. i love food!!!
14. i basicly live at the beach
15. this past year i have been to the ER 4 times
16. i really want to go to costa rica
17. i started liking chocolate just this year
18. i start driving next week :))
19. i like all kinds of music
20. my best friends are twins and we share the same birthday
21. when i was 8 i got lost at disney land
22. i have 6 peircings and wear 23 peices of jewlery daily
24.i have been paint balling
25.i once sat next to kanye west for 30 minutes without noticing it was him
26.the ice cream man knows my name!
27.i am obsessed with monsters and pink donates from 711
28. Mike pinto knows me by my first name
29. i have lived in la jolla my whole life and i hate it
30. i start driving in a week!!!!!!