Sunday, October 19, 2008

Democratic Party

Honestly i am not informed enough to be thinking about our next president of America. However from what i do know Obama is the better choice. I am not for War, i think the war is unnessary.
I Do not Beilive that we should be killing people of their country, they did not ask for our help all we are doing is killing idocent familys. Now that we are STILL in this war i beilive it is to hard just to walk away from it, and if we do we will get bombed again. I beilive this whole war could of been easily avoided.
The other day my family and i where watching tv when the statement every president we have had has said the same thing, but nothing has happend. Obama has said "we need change" several things, however we haven't heard what he wants to change and how.


marlene burrito said...

wow u totally just read my mind
i agree with u
they never asked for us to help them
yet bush still sent troops and is spending billions of unnecessary

caprisun said...

I agree with what you said about not really being informed about everything but i have to dissagree with you about the war because yes we no that its sad that people go out their and they may lose their life from it but if we dont have the war then we are gonna be totally unarmed and they will just attack us and we can do anything about it but get attackted and we need people to fight for our counrty and the people that are fighting for are country had a chose too and they chose to help are country and its their job and if they dont have a job anymore they wont be able to pay bills or anything.. well it makes sense in my head lol :-)