Monday, September 1, 2008

my hero

My Hero is Angelie Jolie.

The reason why i find her so heroic is that because she spends a great deal of time on humanitrian efforts and she gives a third to her salary to charites. She is also an active UNHCR(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) goodwill ambassador. Being apart of this and seeing first hand the challenges of the refuges she decided to use her celeberity to help the cause. She has traveled to remote areas visiting refugee camps and receiving centers in places like Tanzania, Namibia, Cambodia, Pakistan, Thailand, and Ecuador. She has been honored with the Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Program Humanitarian Award. She and her husband Brad Pitt has spent there time and money helping to rebuild for the hurricane katrina victims. On top of all of this she is an amazing actress which i hope to be one day. However, some people do not find her as heroic as i do because in her younger years angelie was known for her asorted past with different men. More recently some say she broke up the marrige between Brad Pitt and Jennifer.

1 comment:

Ms. Charlotte said...

Angelina is a personal hero of mine too. I'm always impressed with how incredibly generous she is.