Thursday, December 11, 2008


There are many things i am gratfull for, my famliy,friends,teachers, the food on my plate and the roof above my head. However i wouldn't have anything i have no if it weren't for my parents, unlike most people i am blessed with three parents who have always been there for me since day one. 

My dad has always been there for me, he can always tell when i am sad or in bad mood and is always the first person to put me in a better mood. Even though he doesn't have as much money as he wants he doesn't need money for me to love him. He is the most perfect dad in the world and i have no idea what i would do without him, i thank god every day to be blessed with the dad of most kids dreams. He is my support system, comedian and most of all my best friend.

My mom has a personality that is hard for most to comprehend, she works 7 days awake and does everything to make my brother and I as happy as possible. She is a women that should be everyones role model. She has traveled all over the world, speaks 7 different laungunges and started her own business just after a year of living and being in america for the first time. She is the reason why i have created such a hopeful future for myself and she reminds my everyday to never give up.

Lastly, i have a Peg. She isn't just a neighbor or a family friend she is a women who has made me who i am today. Day in and out she gives me advice for everything you can think of, she is the reason why i am blessed to go to such an amazing school. She has welcomed to her family with open arms from the begging and is always looking out for my best interest and without her my life would change and nothing would be the same. 

I am a very lucky girl to have such amazing people in my life i have the perfect family who pushes me to strive on. Amazing friends who i trust with my whole heart and great teachers who try their hardest to help me to my best. I couldn't ask for anything more!

1 comment:

Claire Anne said...

Aw i thought this was a really great example of why family is so important and the reason everyone needs it... It really reminded me of my family and to be thankful for them and not take them for granted. great job!