Tuesday, January 6, 2009

This semester goals

1. At the start of the semester I took being a freshmen again not as seriously as i should of. For example i thought everything was going to be easy since it was my second year, however half way through the semester i realized that it was going to take more than me doing my homework at the last minute or if all. Now at a new start i am determined to get all A's but also to understand everything i am doing to be the student i know i can be.

2.I think the public speaking and writing tools that are given to us in humanities class are the most important. I believe this because i know that are going to many situations later in life where public speaking determine whether you get what your trying to get. Also, using proper grammar, spelling and basic creative writing skills can get you a lot of places in life.

3. One thing i would like to improve on this semester is turing in my homework and when i don't understand something i stay in office hours, also i want to have weekly check in with my teachers to make sure I'm on task and doing the best i can be doing.

4. If there was one topic that i could study it would be the changes that have been happening in the world every decade i know it is kind of off topic but i just think its interesting how no one noticed before where were heading and what we are turing our home into, seeing what were the "best" and "worst" moments of each decade would be interesting to me to see what we could of done differently. random i know, hahaha.

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