Tuesday, May 5, 2009


There are many interesting and exotic recipes for foods all around the world, this evening I searched the web for recipes of my favorite meals.
 This is a photo of Brazilian meat that is served at every pretty much restaurant! They are very famous for there meats, cheeses and wine

I first came across a website that included a variety of seafood recipes. I am a huge fan of seafood, instead of the traditional turkey and mash potatoes on thanksgiving our dinner table is full of mussels, clams, shark, fishes, shrimp, lobsters and crab; basically any seafood you can think of. So i found this website http://www.seafoodblog.org/ very useful! :) In this blog i thought it was helpful how he had link to several different recipes listing the step by step and a picture of the final production all through out his blog! 

For one world week (a learning experience where you get to travel around the world for a week and a half that is offered at HTHMA) I chose to take a trip to Brazil, which was simply amazing. Not only the beaches, site seeing and just the community itself but the food was to die for. I knew that when i had to come back home that i wouldn't have the luxury of mouth watering meals, so i have been looking for decent Brazilian restaurants in San Diego since i got home. However none compared! So i think that making my own Brazilian food would be amazing!  http://www.maria-brazil.org/brazilian_recipes.htm

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