Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"10 ideas that are changing the world right now"

Ecological intelligence is not only buying "Green" products, but really taking the time to realize if it is truly a green object and helping the envoirment. I believe that this article ties in with our Essential questions because, going Green isn't just saying or supporting the idea of saving our envoirment. This article shows plenty examples of how americans say they are living sustainable, however they aren't aware enough to know that what they are doing isn't helping. Honestly my ecological intelligence is very low, however it is higher than when we first started this project. I know that i have recycled many objects not knowing that they aren't recyclable!,28804,1884779_1884782_1884776,00.html


Shaelyn W. said...

I like how you talk about your ecological intellegence growing from taking part in this project :)
also, nice picture of the earth


Claire Anne said...

I liked how you mentioned that ecological intelligence is also about realizing if a product is really "green" because you never know what chemicals went into making it. I think education is important with getting people to live sustainably and you connected to that well!