Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"10 ideas that are changing the world right now"

Ecological intelligence is not only buying "Green" products, but really taking the time to realize if it is truly a green object and helping the envoirment. I believe that this article ties in with our Essential questions because, going Green isn't just saying or supporting the idea of saving our envoirment. This article shows plenty examples of how americans say they are living sustainable, however they aren't aware enough to know that what they are doing isn't helping. Honestly my ecological intelligence is very low, however it is higher than when we first started this project. I know that i have recycled many objects not knowing that they aren't recyclable!,28804,1884779_1884782_1884776,00.html

Friday, March 6, 2009

Dervaes family

1. When Charlotte first put in the video, i honestly didn't think it was going to be that interesting. However once it started playing i was immediately engaged. The video really made me want to go home and grow a garden, i was really impressed how they not only grew a garden but EVERYTHING they did was living substantially 

2. On my needs vs. wants sheet, the wants list was extremely long and pretty selfish if you ask me, however i think that the Devares family's want side would consist of just making sure their family is safe and that they have their garden in their house.

3. When we were first introduced to the idea of living subsabilly i thought it would be impossible for someone to transform their whole entire life, to safe our envoirment, this video tied in perfectly with the book Ishmal, because he was using metaphors to show julie what living subsabily ment, and here we have a real life example.

4. Right after watching this video, i told my dad that i wanted him to grow an epic garden again, i really respect on how much they transformed their house and their whole entire life. I think what they are doing is very honorable, and it shows how you can help out our environment and still live an amazing life.