Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Ishmael #1

1. The first rule Ishmael has for identifying if someone is from your culture is whether or not you have your food under lock and key or not. The idea of having your food owned to Ishmael is very important and with out it people would not work. His second rule is that people in "your culture" feel that their whole entire race is completely flawed and fey. I agree because, constantly in the media and basically everywhere in our planet you are hearing how we need to change immediately and if we don't than our planet will slowly die.

2. Mother culture is the ideal mother that thrives through everyones mind, mothers imply what they know on their children. This is causing everyone to act similar and think similar in certain ways. I agree with Ishmael when he says that humans expect everything to be hard and over analyze everything, even the simple things (32), this flaw is commonly found in between humans.

3.  The metaphor used with the tunes and dancers to me is being compared to american society today. Going back to the fact that we over analyze everything, doing this we think we need to buy so much more than we need this leaves us no free time because we are constantly working to pay off for everything we buy. Compared to the hunters and gathers before agriculture, they only worked for a small portion for the day to get just the right amount of food that they need.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sustainability in our Society!

what does it mean to live sustainably?

Personally i think living sustainably means living a appropriate balanced happy life. Simple things like working out, recycling, helping not only others but yourself and trying to learn new things to the fullest extent can make you have a sustainable life. I know it sounds easy but their are also other things that us teens don't yet have to worry about like holding a steady job and supporting you and your family as well.

How much freedom and independence do you have as a 14-16 year old in our society?

I wish i could say more, however we have very little in our society. Other teens could say more, it honestly varies by family. Freedom is all based by trust for example i tell my dad everything and he knows i am responsible enough to drive and that is why he is letting me have my license. In the bigger picture, the government excludes us from almost all rights. For example, voting, drinking, gambling, smoking, and almost everything. On the other hand i think there is a very good reason for this, the government is trying to help us have a stable and strong childhood that can make us grow into responsible adults that can be more cautious of the decisions we make.

As a 14-16 year old, how can you currently live your life more sustainably?

Even the government looks at us like our voice doesn't matter, we are lucky enough to go to a school and live in an enviorment were everyone can voice their opion. Doing this we can start to live our like more sustainably, in addition to this we can be more aware of the careless decisions we make daily. For example, driving to school when you live a few blocks away. Staying inside when its nearly 80 degrees, and even aiming for the blue bin instead of the black. Decisions like this can lead to a healthy life that we later on can live without the parents or the government on our back! :)